Happy Hour

Need a cool BBQ shirt? Beer this one in mind. Our Happy Hour Hawaiian Shirts design is in stock.

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Happy Hour

What to wear to a BBQ?

What to wear to a barbie? Beer this one in mind! Our happy hour print. Spirited, yet sophisticated. Featuring an exclusive ISC Brews beer you will only find exclusively on this range. Doctors orders; For what ales you, Island Style Clothing has your style prescription ready.

Why wear Aloha shirts?

Our happy hour print. Spirited, yet sophisticated. In a society at pains to practice inclusivity, it is impossible to ignore a trend that envelops everyone in its community: Blokes, Sheila's and ankle-biters alike can sport the Aloha style. Message in a bottle…you need this shirt.

Do people still wear Hawaiian shirts?

It could be as simple as this: More men get lei’d wearing Aloha shirts. Jokes aside, Aloha shirts are the most enduringly popular form of leisurewear, perhaps due to its versatility. It has the upper hand on pricey activewear or tracksuits, which may be fine for beach walks and coffee dates, but you'd get a sideways look if you rocked up to dinner or the bar in such getup.

Do you have shirts with beer bottles on them?

We can BEER witness to the popularity of this print. Our Happy Hour design is in stock and available for purchase! HOP to it!
We struggled to draught a caption for this design…hmmm. Coldies, frothies, stubbies, tinnies and slabs - we speak your lingo, mate.
Doctors orders; For what ales you, Island Style Clothing has your style prescription ready.

When the warm weather rolls around there is no better time to chuck on a sick print and get amongst it! Whether it’s days at the beach, nights out with friends, or festivals, groovy beer shirts...
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